
山口 巌


先ず、大きな変化は6日にオバマ大統領によって発表された、.<米新国防戦略>「二正面作戦」見直し アジア重視を明確化である。



Byron Wien’s surprises of 2012が実に判り易く説明している。

The extraction of oil and gas from shale and rock begins to be a game changer. The price of oil drifts back to $85 a barrel and the United States becomes less dependent on Middle East supply. Deposits in Poland, Ukraine and elsewhere prove promising as well. Increased production from Libya and Iraq and reduced demand resulting from the slowdown in world-wide economic activity contribute to the price decline.

オイルシェールの増産により、原油価格は$85 /バーレル迄低下する。アメリカは以前程中東に依存しなくなる。


次は北朝鮮の脅威である。Eurasia Group「2012年のTop Risks」を参照する。

Implosion or Explosion

In the worst-case scenario of rapid government collapse, US and South Korean forces would move north to secure North Korea’s nuclear sites, while China would likely send forces across the Yalu River to block any flood of refugees and restore basic security, creating the potential for unintended conflict given the absence of any joint US-China contingency planning. After all, the United States and China remain on opposite sides of the security divide in Asia, a problem that will only get bigger in 2012 (see risk #7).






Regional Tension

It’s no surprise then that 2011 ended with a number of successful Asian security initiatives for the United States. An agreement with Australia’s government adds 2,500 US marines in Darwin. There will be new coastal combat navy ships in Singapore, and Indonesia purchased 24 new F-16 fighter jets. These moves are disquieting for Beijing, but they highlight the realities of Asia today: For many countries in the region, China’s economic development is a source of lucrative new business opportunities, but they want to avoid becoming too economically or politically dependent on Beijing. In 2012, we’ll begin to find out if this delicate balance can be maintained.


2011 年、オーストラリアのダーウインに2,500名の米、海兵隊の常駐が決定し、シンガポールの沿岸警備艇の購入やインドネシアのF-16 戦闘機24 機の購入等、この地域の安全保障が前に進んだ事は驚くに値しない。この事は勿論中国を不安にすると共に、今日のアジアの現実を明らかにしている。この地域の多くの国に取って、中国の発展こそが儲かるビジネスチャンスである。しかしながら、中国との政治と経済の関係には一定の距離を置こうとしているのも、今一つの事実である。

No one wants a security confrontation that would undermine economic growth, but the enhanced US security presence in Asia emboldens China’s neighbors to take on more assertive policy positions with China, especially on strategic issues. Countries such as Vietnam or the Philippines—both entangled in boundary disputes with Beijing in the South China Sea—could decide that closer defense ties with Washington provide the cover needed to push back against perceived Chinese advances.





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