G7サミットの会議場エルマウ城 --- 長谷川 良

独バイエル州南部のエルマウ(Elmau)で7、8両日、先進7カ国首脳会議(G7サミット)が開催される。会場となるエルマウ城(Schloss Elmau)はミュンヘン南部約100キロにある高原リゾート地。ホスト国ドイツのメルケル首相がG7サミットの会場に選んだ場所といわれるだけに、エルマウ城を取り巻く環境は超絶品という。



Schloss Elmau was built between 1914 and 1916 by Dr Johannes Muller to provide “space for personal and communal development free of any ideology”. The ensemble today constitute a listed building.

In terms of cultural history too, Schloss Elmau is important: since the 1950s it has become a well known international venue for chamber music.
Under the current owner it has, since the late 1990s, become an acclaimed forum for international debates and inter-religious dialogue. Special attention focuses on events that foster German-Israeli and German-American understanding.
This cosmopolitan ambiance is a conscious effort of the family of the current owner to deal openly with the long history of Schloss Elmau, and with the ambivalent attitude of the original owner to National Socialism.

Schloss Elmau can look back on a turbulent history. The theologian and philosopher, Johannes Muller, originally built it as a place of meeting and encounter for his readers and seminar participants, but Schloss Elmau also welcomed numerous prominent politicians and creative artists during the Weimar Republic.

Johannes Muller had a somewhat ambivalent attitude towards National Socialism. Although he glorified the Nazi ideology for a time, he was deemed to be unreliable by the Nazis themselves. Rather than wait for the expropriation order, he leased the building to the Wehrmacht as a rest and recuperation centre for troops returning from the front. After the war, Johannes Muller was convicted as a main culprit in the denazification trials.

Schloss Elmau was confiscated by the US army and used for a short time as a field hospital. Later, it was managed by the Bavarian government which used it as a recuperation home for TB patients. In 1951 the children of Johannes Muller leased the building and established a hotel. Since the end of the 1950s Schloss Elmau has once again been the venue for many cultural events and political debates with high-ranking and well-known participants.

Much of the building was destroyed by fire in 2005. The grandson of the original owner, Dieter Muller-Elmau, rebuilt it and today runs it as the Luxury Spa & Cultural Hideaway Hotel.




暴力犯罪総数は1万9229件で前年比で4%減少。具体的には、殺人件数は115件で前年比で2・5%減、傷害件数1万5481件で3・6%減、強盗件数2507件で4・3%減、インターネット犯罪件数は2万1261件で前 年比で12・5%と急減した。一方、住宅侵入窃件数は8210件で前年比で28・6%と急増した。
