

米国防総省は2日、議会に、中国の軍事力に関する年次報告書を提出した(2019 CHINA MILITARY POWER REPORT)。その中で、中国が進めている経済圏構想「一帯一路」を巡って、同報告書が「投資を保護するため、世界各地に新たな軍事拠点を建設していく」(AFP通信)との見通しを示したことが日本の安全保障を考える上でも注目されそうだ。



China will seek to establish additional military bases in countries with which it has a longstanding friendly relationship and similar strategic interests, such as Pakistan, and in which there is a precedent for hosting foreign militaries.

などと述べており(Page 16)、パキスタンのように友好関係があり、戦略的利益が近しい国にさらなる軍事基地建設を求めると予想。また基地建設の「候補地」としては、下記のように、中東や東南アジア、西太平洋などが挙げられている(Page 16)。

China’s overseas military basing will be constrained by the willingness of potential host countries to support a PLA presence. International press reporting in 2018 indicated that China sought to expand its military basing and access in the Middle East, Southeast Asia,and the western Pacific.

日中間の「地域紛争」については、東シナ海の排他的経済水域での天然資源をめぐる紛争や尖閣をめぐる問題が取り上げられている(Page 7)。

China and Japan have overlapping claims to both the continental shelves and the exclusive economic zones (EEZs) in the East China Sea. The East China Sea contains natural gas and oil, though hydrocarbon reserves are difficult to estimate. Japan maintains that an equidistant line from each country involved should separate the EEZs, while China claims an extended continental shelf beyond the equidistant line to the Okinawa Trench. Japan has accused China of breaching a principled consensus reached in 2008 that both sides would respect an equidistant median line in the East China Sea for resource development while conducting joint development of oil and natural gas field in a delineated area spanning the line near the northern end. Japan is concerned that China has conducted oil and gas drilling on the Chinese side of the median line of the East China Sea since 2013. China continues to contest Japan’s administration of the nearby Senkaku Islands.

