
池内 恵

日本はunrealistic expectationsを持っていると。そもそも前提間違っとると。


Russian President Vladimir is scheduled to visit Japan in December. And if current Russian media sources are to be believed, the two countries are negotiating a territorial deal, under which Russia will return two of the disputed islands to Japanese sovereignty. Is the man who was only recently hailed as a hero in his own country for seizing Crimea from Ukraine, the macho leader who rides the steppes of Russia bare-chested, about to surprise the world by giving away a bit of territory which belongs to Mother Russia?

Not in the slightest; Japan is likely to be disappointed yet again by a Russian technique of stalling, and a promise of a compromise which will never happen.


The Russians are happy to let Japan speculate on the topic, but the chances of any substantial deal are zero.


More profoundly, Japan’s assumption that Russia’s friendship can be harnessed in containing a rising China is misconceived.


編集部より:この記事は、池内恵氏のFacebook投稿 2016年10月22日の記事を転載させていただきました(アイキャッチ画像は首相官邸サイトより引用)。転載を快諾された池内氏に御礼申し上げます。